How can we formally verify a neural network?

Abhijit Paul

<2024-07-10 বুধ>

We first start by understanding "What is Neural Network Verification?". Testing is not enough to prove the robustness of a neural network. Due to the uncertain nature of whats inside blackbox, there can always be points for which the model would misclassify.

So we need to prove that a neural network would give certain output against certain input. More formally,

We need to prove that the NN satisfies the requirements.

Let us demonstrate it with a simple cat-dog classifier. We want to prove that for any input within region C, the model would classify cat.

Literature Review

The current literature strongly focuses on adversarial robustness. So the robustness proving problem can be reduced to adding noise/perturbations to image and observing whether the model is robust against those perturbation.

Here, the noise is defined as distance L0 norm between original image and perturbed image. The literature starts as early as 2017 and has recently gained popularity.

We want to make a tool that will incorporate as many methods above as possible.

Existing Tools

We will now discuss on auto-LiRPA first. It takes the following input.

Epsilon It indicates Perturbation level, calculated via L0 norm e.g. 0.001
testdata One image or multiple image. data/1.png
Model Architecture Copy-paste model architecture layer0 = keras.conv()

And it produces the following output.

Bounding method: backward (CROWN, DeepPoly)
f_0(x_0):   -5.638 <= f_0(x_0+delta) <=    0.521
f_1(x_0):  -10.532 <= f_1(x_0+delta) <=   -2.419
f_2(x_0):    1.883 <= f_2(x_0+delta) <=    7.537
f_3(x_0):   -5.327 <= f_3(x_0+delta) <=   -0.827
f_4(x_0):   -7.217 <= f_4(x_0+delta) <=   -1.037
f_5(x_0):   -5.238 <= f_5(x_0+delta) <=   -0.151
f_6(x_0):   -5.686 <= f_6(x_0+delta) <=    0.118
f_7(x_0):   -7.934 <= f_7(x_0+delta) <=   -0.303
f_8(x_0):  -12.044 <= f_8(x_0+delta) <=   -3.793
f_9(x_0):   -9.329 <= f_9(x_0+delta) <=   -3.074

The output proves that for that perturbation, the output matches the actual value. So it is robust to that perturbation.

Collected from autoLiRPA Quick start tutorial

Proposed System

We want to make the following system.

We will implement this the following way.


  1. Stakeholder feedback
  2. Handle IoT based open source models.